Philippine Standard Time:
Accountability and Continuous Improvement
A clear, transparent, inclusive and responsive accountability system is in place, collaboratively developed by community stakeholders, which monitors expected and actual performance, continually addresses the gaps, and ensures a venue for feedback and redress.
SBM Artifacts Content Suggestion Artifacts Description and
Document Level
III.1 Transparency Board
Financial Report
All Contents of the Transparency Board
Regional and National Memo Aligned with Principle III
DBM Circulars on Accountability
Copy of Documents Posted on the Transparency Board
III.2 DRRMC Composition of School DRRM
Documentation of Conducted DRRM
Inventory Equipment & Materials for DRRM
Equipment and Materials for DRRM
Evacuation/Vulnerability/Hazard Plan
Copies of Emergency nos./hotlines
Records of DRR-Related Task

III.3 Selection and Recruitment System Composition of the School Ranking Committee
Ranking Sheets
Succession Plan
Division RQA

III.4 Property Management System Copy of School Property Inventory
Division Memo on Inventory of Property
Distribution of List of Instructional Materials
III.5 Procurement Management System System on Procurement, System on BAC
PhilGeps Printout Transactions/Reports
SIP Where Material Resources are Managed
Documents Showing Alignment of Funds Utilization to SIP/AIP
- Includes Work and Financial Plan
III.6 School Feeding Program Monthly Liquidation Report

SBFP Terminal Report
Daily Accomplishment Reports (BE Form 06)
Records of Consultation with Internal & Extrenal Stakeholders
on Improving Learning
Records of Agreement with Stakeholders on Long Term School
III.7 RPMS Documentation of Timeline in the Implementation
for the Conduct of RPMS
Documentation from Phase 1 of IPCRF to Rewards/Recognition
Development Plans and Consolidated Development
Needs form IDPS

III.8 Job Description of Teaching and
Non-Teaching Personnel
Job Description of Teaching and Non
Teaching Personnel
Position Competency Profile
III.9 General Assembly Report State of the School Head Address (SOSA)
Reporting of SRC to All School Stakeholders
III.10 Financial Report Compilation of Cash Endorsement Including:
- Canteen Operation & Management
- Coop
- Others
III.11 Grievance Committee/Record of Cases Composition of the School Grievance Committee/
Grievance Machinery
List of Common Grievances and Resolution
Records of Conflict Management (from attending to
minor conflicts) to Its Full Resolution
III.12 Learning Gap
(Increment/Decrement Scores)
Least Mastered Skills
Contents Should Focus on Monitoring and Statistical Analysis
Record of Scores and Increments
Reference List of Specific Intervention Provided
Result of the Intervention
III.13 Coaching and Mentoring System Compilation of Observation and Post Conferences
Conducted by the:
- School Heads
- DHs
- MTs
List of Mentors and Mentees
Supervisory Plan
List of Appropriate Interventions and Its Impact
Records of Coaching and Mentoring by SH to Teachers

Supervisory Plans Using Clinic Supervision Methods

Records on Delegation of Critical Functions Like Mentoring,
Coaching and Mentoring and Evaluation of Teachers
and Stakeholders
III.14 Professional Development SLAC Action Plan Preferably Twice/Month
InSet Training Proposal & Matrix of Activities
SLAC & INSET Report Submitted to the CID
List of Seminars Attended in the Division/ Regional/
National/ International Level or Photocopy of Certificates
Reports on Capacity Building
Consolidated Training Needs on IDP for SY
Teacher’s Induction Program Report/ Documentation

Photocopy of the Certificate of Attendance of the
Newly-Hired Employees
Reports on Training Need Analysis
List of Trainings Attended
Reports on the Conduct of School/Cluster-Based Trainings
that Respond Directly to the Staff Development Program in
the SIP
Staff Development Program Based on IDP and IPCRF
Record of Coaching and Mentoring by SH to Teachers

Records of the Conduct of INSET in Curriculum Enhancements
and Others (e.g. Indigenization of Curriculum, Development
of Worksheets, Workbooks, and Others)
Records of Implementation of INSET Mechanism

III.15 Form 201 of Rank and File Personal Data Sheet of the Teaching and Non-Teaching
Personnel Per SY
List of Teachers who Submitted SALN
HRIS Printed Copy for SY Should Be Updated in
Softcopy Quarterly
III.16 Plantilla of Teachers As Titled, Updated Plantilla Plantilla Items for the Fiscal/School Year
III.17 Certificates of Teachers Enrolled in
Masteral/Doctoral/Vocational (NCII/NCIII)
Summary/Copy of Teacher’s License
TMCI and II for SHS Teacher
Permit to Study
Records of Attendance to Masteral/Doctoral

Diploma Programs

IIII.18 GAD and Senior Citizen GAD and Senior Citizen Training Design for the Year
Documentation of GAD and Senior Citizen Training
Received Copy of Submitted Annual GAD and
Senior Citizen Plan and Budget/Financial and Development Plan
III.19 CI Projects PTA, SSG, SPG, Faculty & Staff, Activities/Plans of Action
for Continuous Improvement
Projects that Address Learning Gaps and
Application Projects of SHDP Completers
Records of Meetings, Minutes of the Meetings,
FGD, Interview Schedule
Establishment of Community Resources Center
Liquidation Report of PTA Officers
III.20 School-Community Partnership MOA/MOU and Deed of Donations
Inventory of Financial and Material Donation
Accomplishment and Audit Report Submitted to
Records or Documentation on Financial
Management System

III.21 Local School Board Support List of Materials and Services
Approved APP of LSB
III.22 Local Government Unit Support As Titled, Payment for Salary and Other Benefits
List of LGU-Hired Personnel
III.23 Brigada Eskwela/Adopt-A-School BE Form 4 & 5 – Generated Resources and
Work Force Computation
Adopt-A-School Quarterly Reports, Directory
and Daily Financial Accomplishment (BE Form 06)
Letters of Stakeholders, Suppliers, & Donors
Records on Community Stakeholders Volunteers
on School
Records of Agreement with Stakeholders on Long-term
School Projects/Programs
III.24 Outreach Programs Outreach Programs Rendered by Teachers Reports/records of School Community Partnership
Reports of Advocacy Activities Conducted by the School
III.25 Research, Innovations, and Best Practices Published and Unpublished Action Researches
Aligned with Principle III
School Paper/LRMDS Approved Portal and
School Newsletter or Book Authorship
Reports on the Results of Innovative Supervisory
Program Applied
Records and Documents of Institutionalization of Best Practices
Records of Innovations Introduced in the Class
III.26 School Publication School Newsletter/Gazette

Official School Website

Linkage with TV Stations, Information and
Educational Campaign (IEC) Materials
Regular Issues of School Publications Led by School
Organizations adn Associations
Records of Advocacy Effort to Promote SIP Either Through
Tri-Media e.g. print, radio, TV
Records of the Dissemination/Reporting of the AIP
Review Results
III.27 Ancillary Services of Teacher List of Ancillary and Attendance of Teacher to Ancillary Services
Logbook of Teachers with Special Assignment
(Guidance, ICT, Disbursing, Library, etc.)
Time In and Time Out When Rendering Services
III.28 Feedbacking Mechanism Consolidated Summary Report of Suggestions/
Comments Received and Actions Taken
Mechanism Classifying Valid Complaints or Feedback

Visible Suggestion Box

Records of Positive Feedback on the Level of Satisfaction
from Stakeholders Regarding Efficiency of School Systems
Minutes of the Meeting Showing feedback on
School Improvement
Records on Suggestions for School Improvement
Results of School-Initiated Survey Showing Level of
Satisfaction on School Performance
III.29 Teachers' Individual IPCRF Portfolio Best Sample of Teacher’s Individual IPCRF Portfolio
Representing all Positions
School Head’s OPCRF Portfolio
IPCRF Summary or Compilation of Results for 3 Years
Report on the Evaluation of Teacher Performance
III.30 Child-Friendly School System Student’s Handbook
Child Protection Policy of the School

Organizational Chart of the Child Protection Committee
CPC Intake Sheet
Accomplished Child-Friendly School System Assessment
Excerpt from SIP
Guidance Records

Teacher-Student-Head Teacher Interview

Proof of Cases Escalated to the SH’s Attention
Teacher-Student Interview During Enrollment and Home Visits
Student Tracking System
Pupils/Student Handbook
Report on the Conduct of Orientation re: rights, roles, and

Records of Simple Management tasks Delegated to
a Committee
Records of Conflict Management (from attending to minor
school conflicts to its full resolution)