Philippine Standard Time:
Curriculum and Instruction
The learning system collaboratively developed and continuously improved, anchored on the community and learner’s contexts and aspirations.
SBM Artifacts Content Suggestion Artifacts Description and
Document Level
II.1 TeachingGuide
Curriculum Guide
Budget of Work
As Titled, Include DepEd Order #21 s. 2019
Policy Guidelines on K to 12
II.2 School Assessment Program Comprehensive Guidance Report on Assessment
Testing Program (NCAE)
Testing Program (Diagnostic Test)
Schedule of Testing
Records of Assessment within the School (Level 2),
Include DepEd Order # 55 s. 2016 Guidelines for
Administration of Test in School
II.3 Class Programs/Loading of Teachers General Program
Class Program Per Grade Level
Teachers Program
Form 7 of HRIS

II.4 DepEd Memos on the Contest DepEd/Division Memo on Contest Announcements
and Announcements of Winners Only
- School Level
- Division Level
- Regional Level
- National Level
DepEd Memos on Contest

Trophy/Other Award from Citations from:
- Divisio
- Region
- National Level
II.5 Progress Charts on Student Achievement Chart Analysis of Achievement test (Pre-Test
and Post-Test

Summary Report of Phil-IRI

Consolidated Summary Results on Remedial
Exit Assessment (Grade 7)
Exit Assessment (Grade 11)
Records on the Dissemination and Analysis of NAT Results
and Other School Performance Indicators

Status Report on Projects/Programs and their Contribution to
the Improvement of Learning Outcomes Led and Managed by

Result of NAT Performance Reflecting an Increase or Meeting
National Targets

II.6 Inclusive Education School Action Plan for SPED, MADRASAH ALIVE
Data on Child-Friendly School System
Accomplishment Report on OHSP
Other Programs that Caters to the Special Needs of
the Students/Pupils and PWDs
II.7 ALS List of ALS Student Per SY
List and Percentage of A&E Passers
Child-Mapping Data
Statistical Reports
ALS Student Tracking Report or Tracer Report

With Coordination with the Barangay Level

II.8 Remediation/Intervention Programs/

Remedial Classes Per Subject Area

Enrichment Program Report (e.g. Remedial Reading Program)

Copy of the School-Based NAT Intervention Programs
Submitted to CID
School-led Initiatives

Copy of Programs and Projects (PAPs) Proposals
- Safekids
- Earthquake Drill
- Gulayan sa Paaralan
- Remedial Reading Program
- Reading Program
- Nutrition Project
- Quipper, Technokids
- Festival of Talents
- Red Cross
Documentation of the Programs
include the:
- Project Proposal
- Plans
- Statistical Report
- Narrative
- Pictures
Documentation that Validate Participation of Stakeholders
in Local Initiative to Support SBM and SIP Implementation
per Grade/Year Level
Records of Planning of Projects Especially Initiated by
Records of Remediation/Enrichment Activities or Other
Programs Provided to Students Based on Their Needs
Records of Action Taken Based on Analysis of NAT Results
and Other School Performance Indicators to Improve
School Performance
Records of Innovations Done to Improve Through M&E

II.9 Portfolio of the Best Products
and Performance
List of Best Teaching Strategies or Methodologies

List of Best Practices on Teaching-Learning
Records/Documents of Best Sample of LP Showing the
Strategies Used and Implementation of the Action Research
Based on Teaching-Learning Process
Includes SIM, JAR, Big Books
II.10 Students Portfolio
Masterlist with Description of Learner's Best Project
Portfolio Displayed at the LR per S
Sample of Best Students' Portfolio
Exhibit of Learner's Performance
II.11 COT or Form 178 Signed by Master
Teacher, Head Teacher, and Principal
Accomplished COT signed by the Teacher, MTs,
DHs, and the Principal
- Best Sample of COT per SY in Each Grade Level
- Records of Teachers' Movement/Progress from
Status of Beginning, Emerging, and Maturing
Records of Teacher/Class Observations with Technical

II.12 Periodical and End of the Year Test Results As Titled per Grade Level/Subject Area Summary
Assessment System Report
Summary of Pre-Test and Post-Test
Item Analysis, TOS, Item Bank
Compilation of Assessment Tools and Results that Monitor
and Evaluated Improvements of Student Learning Outcomes
and Other Performance Indicators on a School-wide Basis
II.13 DLL/DLP Sample of Best Lesson Plan/DLP per
- Subject
- Grade Level
- Department
Lesson Plan Showing the Application of Methodologies Learned
II.14 Records of Awards/Recognition Received,
Certificates of Recognition, and Trophies
List of Curricular/Co-Curricular Awards and Recognition
Extracted from SIP and SRC
Compilation of Certificate of Recognition
and/or Display of Trophies
Certificate of Recognition and Awards received by the:
- Schoolheads
- Teachers
- Learner Champions
Records of Outstanding Performance/Award of Excellence/
Model of Good Behavior
II.15 Alternative Learning Delivery Modes List of Students Under Alternative Delivery Mode
and Status Report
Quipper Worksheets and List of Pupils Under ADM

Modified In-School Off-School Approach (MISOSA)
Documents and Records of Alternative Learning Cascaded by
the DepEd NCR
School-Initiated Documents that Validate Participation of
Stakeholders in Local Initiatives on Alternative Learning Programs
to Support SBM and SIP Implementation per Grade Level
Under SEC Funded

II.16 Instructional Supervisory Plan Supervisory Plan of:
- Principal
- Department Headsa
- SHS Subject Group Heads
- Master Teachers
Records of Coaching and Mentoring by the SH to Teachers