Philippine Standard Time:

Leadership and Governance

A network of leadership that provides the vision and direction to the education system making it relevant and responsive to the contexts of diverse communities.

SBM Artifacts Content Suggestion Artifacts Description and
Document Level
I.1 VMV Statement Posted within SBM Corner or Room
VMP Statement
Current DepEd VMP
School Vision, Mission
Department Goals and Objectives
School and Community Profiile
Posted Current VMP
I.2 Rules on Discipline Pertinent DepEd Orders on Admin
and Personnel Procedures
Magna Carta for Teachers/DepEd Service Manual
Provision on Parents Roles and Responsibilities found
in DepEd Service Manual/Education Act of 1982
I.3 School Organizational Overall Organizational Chart per School

I.4 Citizen's Charter Copy of the School's Citizen's Charter
I.5 Organizational Flow Chart Transaction Flow or Interfacing diagram
of the Different Offices or Services
within the School
Records of Simple Management Tasks Delegated
to a Committee/Functional Group
I.6 Minutes of Meeting Conducted
by the School Head
Professional Meeting Conducted by the SH,
file includes: MT/DH/Teacher
Attendance Sheet on Meeting Conducted by
the SH or the Principal
Minutes of the Meeting
Invitation for Meeting or Notice of Meeting
Cascading of Execom/ManCom Meeting
Minutes of the Meeting Conducted by the School Head
with Internal and/or External School Stakeholders
I.7 Minutes of Meetings Conducted
by the Stakeholders
Pledge of Commitments of All Organizations' Officers

Panunumpa or Oath Taking of Stakeholders
Minutes of the Meeting of the Following Orgs:

- Faculty and Staff Organization
Document Proof of Stakeholder's Participation in the
School SIP Planning or Action Plan of Stakeholders/
Report on Accomplishments
- Faculty Club
Constitution and By-laws of Organization
Accomplishment Reports of All Activities, Projects
Initiated by the Different School Organization Per SY
Minutes of the Meeting Conducted by the School Organizations
and Minutes of the Meeting
Constitution and By-laws of Students and Teachers
Copies of Resolution from School Organization e.g. SGC
Documents Showing Roles and Responsibilities of Each Organized
Internal/External Stakeholders Group
List of Officers:
- Student Organizations
- Parent Organizations

- LGU or Local Government
List of Rheir Roles and Responsibilities

Minutes of the Meeting with SGC with the Presence of the SH
Records of Consultations with Internal and External Stakeholders
on Improving Learning Outcomes

I.8 SIP/AIP/APP/PPMP Copy of the Received School Improvement Plan
Including Work and Financial Plan
Annual Implementation Plan Indicate the SY
Project Procurement Management Plan
Annual Procurement Plan
Procurement Plan Aligned with the Annual School Budget

APP Prepared abd Submitted
Procurement Plan Implemented

I.9 DepEd Orders/Issuances DepEd Orders and Issuances by:
- Central
- Regional
- Division
- Oversight Offices
- Related Offices
I.10 Leadership and Operational Plan
Released DepEd Calendar of Activities
School-Based Calendar of Activities
Administrative Plan
Supervisory Plan
School Action Plan
I.11 Accomplishment Report/School
Report Card
Milestone in Newsletter Format Submitted and Received
by the Division Office
Current SRC Submitted to DO
Year-end Reports
Annual Report
Results/Status of PIAs and Performance Indicators
I.12 Results of Achievement Tests School-Based Diagnostic Test/Periodic Test Results Record of Increased Achievement Test Results and Other
Performance Tests (school, division, regional, and national level)
I.13 M&E Tool and Report/Technical Assistance
Provided by Internal Stakeholders
M&E Tools - Evaluation Summary for In-Service and
Other Trainings Conducted within the School
Accomplished M&E
- WINs
- Canteen Operation & Management
- Go Green
- Brigada Eskwela
Documentation Proof of PSDS and EPSs Technical
Canteen Operation and Management Report
Documents Pertaining to M&E

Records of TA Provided by Monitoring Officials Including
EPS/PSDS TA During Planning and Implementation

I.14 SF7, SF4, SF5, & SF6 As Titled, or the EBEIS - SF5 & SF6
I.15 School Health Program Implementation
Nutritional Status Report

Feeding Program Report
Dental Services Report
Annual Physical Results of Teaching and Non-Teaching
Personnel Report

Documentation of Students Identified as Severely Wasted,
Wasted, and Norma